
Hawkeye Happenings

Hawkeye Happenings is the official college newsletter of Hawkeye Community College. The Public Relations and Marketing office publishes the email newsletter weekly during the fall and spring semesters and bi-weekly during the summer to keep the college community informed of relevant information.

Submitting Items for Hawkeye Happenings

  1. The deadline for Hawkeye Happenings is Wednesday noon for Thursday's publication.

  2. No items will be taken over the phone. All items must be submitted by email to Hawkeye Happenings.

  3. Items will only be published identically for two consecutive issues. If you'd like your message published for two weeks, please note this in your request.

  4. Items submitted for the publication should be sent anytime after the current week's issue has been published. Please do not submit items several weeks in advance.

  5. Please submit items in plain text so that it can be formatted according to the Hawkeye Happenings web standards. No text boxes or special formatting of the text, tables, clipart, etc.

  6. Information should be complete so a quick "cut and paste" can be applied. Please do not attach multiple documents and expect the editor to put your information together. Attachments provided will be inserted as a link—so at the very minimum, we need a few sentences stating what readers will learn when they go to the link.

  7. Please include web links and email addresses with your items.

  8. Photographs must be attached as a .jpg file.

  9. Your name and phone number must be included in your request. Your name will be published with your submission. Your phone number will be used if we need to contact you for additional information.

  10. The Hawkeye Happenings editor reserves the right to edit any item submitted to meet Hawkeye web standards.

  11. All items for publication must be submitted by a Hawkeye employee, retiree, or active Board member.

  12. Hawkeye event items submitted will be published as a part of the calendar on the website.

  13. Community events/items can be listed on the calendar on the website if they are non-profit and held at a Hawkeye location.

  14. Hawkeye employees fundraising for a non-profit group may submit their request. Items will be published only twice.

  15. Fundraising events may be printed for hardships (i.e. cancer patient, victims of accidents). A Hawkeye employee must be involved in the fundraiser.

  16. Items for submission cannot be for profit if they are listed by individuals or businesses.

  17. We no longer publish "Swap Shop", i.e. items for sale by individuals.

  18. Family news about an employee or an immediate family member may be published if submitted by the employee or the employee's supervisor with the employee's approval. Acceptable family news includes:

    • Death of an immediate family member.
    • Marriage of the employee.
    • Birth/adoption of a child to the employee.
  19. Hawkeye Happenings is an electronic newsletter. It you prefer a printed copy, you may print it from your computer. The Public Relations and Marketing office will not print and mail copies.

Contact Information

Public Relations and Marketing

Hawkeye Center 222
Email Public Relations and Marketing

Hawkeye Happenings Editor

Email the editor

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